Adults Reading Kid Books is a THING?
So, Jessi and L.A. invited me to hang in the Book Cove this week. Check it out here: buff.ly/1DiN1LS. It was very cool. I appreciated the...

Yeah, so This Happened...
Story coming soon....

K.V. Flynn Answers Questions (Just a Little Bit) about Loving Things!
Hey, took a break from writing (and skating) to visit a blog this week. Therese asked me a lot of questions about love and romance, which...

5 Groovy Things I Learned + 5 Excellent ON THE MOVE Skate tricks
I visited Book Lover’s Life last week to talk about five groovy things I found out while researching my new book, ON THE MOVE. And five...

K.V. Blogs about Teen Skaters' Fave Snacks
K.V. here to tell you about our favorite foods and snacks. Wait—aren’t those the same thing, basically? I’m thinking about food from a...

K.V. Interviewed by Michael at his Blog MichaelSciFan
Check it out here or at http://www.michaelscifan.us/move-tour/ AND Don'T FORGET TO ENTER TO WIN THE ORANGATANGS & Other Cool Skate Stuff...

Let's Hear what you're Thinking about ON THE MOVE...
Hit the Feedback page... or write KVFlynnOntheMove@gmail.com.

K.V. Flynn on Where I Read for Candlelight Reads. Enter to Win!!
So, Candlelight Reads is asking, K.V.... What's your favorite place to read, and what is that special book you want to fall into again...

K.V. Flynn Talks YA Lit, MG Books with Liz Botts
Guest Post: Author K.V. Flynn Today I welcome author K.V. Flynn to my blog. Check out his fabulous new release, available wherever...